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Felonyuk O.P., Kazakov V.N., Massalitinov K.S., Kavinsky V.V., Volodchenkov M.I.

 Felonyuk Oleg Petrovich — Independent Researcher;

Kazakov Vladimir Nikolaevich — Independent Researcher;

Massalitinov Konstantin Stepanovich — Independent Researcher;

Kavinsky Veniamin Vitalievich — Independent Researcher;

Volodchenkov Mikhail Ivanovich — Independent Researcher.


Abstract: The article explores the theological theme—The Judgments of God, and also provides an analysis of the verses of the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament—the Gospel of Matthew (Matt. 25:1-46) and the book of Revelation (Rev. 20:11-15). The study is based on an analysis of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments of the New King James Version of the Bible (NKJV). The main conclusion has been proven: the church of God will not be condemned. This study was conducted by the biblical method—proof by the Scriptures.    

Keywords: Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments of the New King James Version (NKJV); Bible Commentaries of Dallas Theological Seminary.


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  2. Felonyuk O., Kazakov V., Sinibabnov A., Rybolovlev M., Kavinsky V. and Volodchenkov M. (2024). The Lord knows those who believe in Him. Academy. 1 (77), 15-20. (DOI: 10.24411/2412-8236-2024-10101).
  3. Gruzdev D., Kolosov S., Volodchenkov M. and Kavinsky V. (2022). Nagrada za sluzhenie Gospodu [Reward for serving the Lord]. Problemy nauki [Problems of Science]. 5 (73), 50–55. (In Russian). (DOI: 10.24411/2413-2101-2022-10503).
  4. Gruzdev D., Severov P., Kolosov S., Sinibabnov A., Kavinsky V. and Volodchenkov M. (2023). Reward for Serving the Lord. Academy. 1 (74), 61–68. (DOI: 10.24411/2412-8236-2023-10103).
  5. Nelson's NKJV Study Bible, Second Edition. (2007). Earl D. Radmacher, general editor. 2nd ed. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. 2341 p.
  6. Kolosov S., Sinibabnov P., Sinibabnov A., Khripushin P., Kavinsky V. and Volodchenkov M. (2023). Istselenie docheri Khananeyanki [The Healing of a Canaanite Woman's Daughter]. Probleny nauki [Problems of Science]. 3 (77), 58-63. (In Russian). (DOI: 10.24411/2413-2101-2023-10301).
  7. Kolosov S., Sinibabnov A., Sinibabnov P., Khripushin P., Kavinsky V. and Volodchenkov M. (2023). The Healing of a Canaanite Woman's Daughter. Academy. 3 (76), 6-11. Rev. (DOI: 10.24411/2412-8236-2023-10301).
  8. Logunov Jr.A., Logunov M., Logunov K., Sinibabnov A., Kavinsky V. and Volodchenkov M. (2023). Poslushanie glasu Gospoda [Obedience to the voice of the Lord]. Prosveshchenie i poznanie. 2 (21), 41-56. (In Russian). (DOI: 10.24412/2782-2613-2023-221-58-81).
  9. Logunov Jr.A., Logunov M., Logunov K., Sinibabnov A., Kavinsky V. and Volodchenkov M. (2023). Obedience to the Voice of the Lord. Academy. 2 (75), 37-45. (DOI: 10.24411/2412-8236-2023-10204).
  10. Walvoord J.F. and Zuck R.B. (Gen. Eds.). (1983). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: New Testament. An Exposition of the Scriptures by Dallas Seminary Faculty. Based on the New International Version. Colorado Springs, Colorado: David C. Cook. 991 p.

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Felonyuk O.P., Kazakov V.N., Massalitinov K.S., Kavinsky V.V., Volodchenkov M.I. THE JUDGMENTS OF GOD // Academy. № 3 (79), 2024 - С.{см. журнал}.

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