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Logunov A.A.Jr., Logunov M.A., Logunov K.A., Sinibabnov A.V., Kavinsky V.V., Volodchenkov M.I.


Logunov Alexander Alexandrovich Jr. — Independent Researcher;

Logunov Mark Alexandrovich — Independent Researcher;

Logunov Kirill Alexandrovich — Independent Researcher;

Sinibabnov Andrey Vladimirovich — Translator;

Kavinsky Veniamin Vitalievich — Independent Researcher;

Volodchenkov Mikhail Ivanovich — Independent Researcher,



Abstract: the article examines in detail and proves the obligation of God's blessing to those who walk in obedience to the voice of God (the word of God). The proof is provided by examples of the activities of various characters in the Old and New Testament of the New Version of the King James Bible (Nelson’s NKJV Study Bible, Second Edition—NKJV). This research was conducted by the biblical method—“proof by the Scriptures.”

Keywords: holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments (Bible), history of the Church.


  1. Eusebius. Church History. In: A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church. Translated Into English with Prolegomena and Explanatory Notes. Under the Editorial Supervision of Philip Schaff and Henry Wage. 2nd Series. Vol. I. Eusebius: Church History, Life of Constantine the Great, and Oration in Praise of Constantine. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. 1904, 640 p.
  2. Gruzdev D.V., Kolosov S.L., Volodchenkov M.I, Kavinsky B.V. “Nagrada za sluzhenie Gospodu” [“Reward for serving the Lord”]. Problems of Science. 5 (73), Oct 2022, pp. 50-55. (in Russian). (DOI: 10.24411/2413-2101-2022-10503).
  3. Gruzdev D.V., Severov P.G., Kolosov S.L., Sinibabnov A.V., Kavinsky V.V., Volodchenkov M.I. Reward for Serving the Lord // Academy. No. 1 (74), Mar 2023, pp. 61–68. (DOI: 10.24411/2412-8236-2023-10103).
  4. McKim D.K. Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms. 1st Ed. Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, Kentucky, 1996, 316 p.
  5. Nelson's NKJV Study Bible, Second Edition. Earl D. Radmacher, general editor ; Ronald B. Allen, Old Testament editor ; H. Wayne House, New Testament editor. (eBook), Thomas Nelson, Nashville, TN. 2007, 2341 p.
  6. Logunov A.A., Jr., Logunov M.A., Logunov K.A., Sinibabnov A.V., Kavinsky V.V., Volodchenkov M.I. Poslushanie glasu Gospoda / Umy sovremennosti // Prosveshhenie i poznanie. No. 2 (21), Feb 2023, pp. 41-56. (in Russian). (DOI: 10.24412/2782-2613-2023-221-58-81).

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Logunov A.A.Jr., Logunov M.A., Logunov K.A., Sinibabnov A.V.,Kavinsky V.V., Volodchenkov M.I. OBEDIENCE TO THE VOICE OF THE LORD// Academy. № 2 (75), 2023 - С.{см. журнал}.

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