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Ivanova I.G., Babenko V.I., Lyagus N.A.

Ivanova Inna Grigorievna- Doctor of Economics,


Babenko Vera Igorevna – Student;

Lyagus Nikolay Alexseevich – Student,




Abstract: the article discusses innovative marketing strategy, discusses its importance in today's world. Every company is developing on its own. And at different stages of development is taking its innovative solutions. Resulting and emerging competition. This competition gives impetus to the development of different areas of the enterprise. For example strategic marketing, management, personnel management and investment management. All these areas are represented in each firm, and the better developed the data branch of business, the competitive company.

Keywords: marketing, advertising, Internet, innovation, website.

Список литературы

  1. Kondranina M.A., Ivanova I.G. Aktualnye aspekty sovremennogo instrumentarija upravlenija predprijatiem [Actual aspects of modern enterprise management tools] // V sbornike: Sovremennaja nauka: problemy i puti ih reshenija [In the collection: Modern science: problems and ways to solve them.] // Sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferenzcii [Collected materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference] // Kuzbasskij gosudarstvennyj tehnicheskiy universitet imeni T.F. Gorbachjeva [West-Siberian Scientific Center; Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev], 2015. Р 412-415 [in Russian].
  2. Ivanova I.G., Sayenko I.I. Faktory, vlijajushchie na konkurentosposobnost’ predprijatij v sisteme upravlenija [Factors affecting the competitiveness of enterprises in the management system] // Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo [Economics and Entrepreneurship], 2016. № 11-3 (76-3). Pp. 661-663 [in Russian].
  3. Ivanova I.G., Sharapova T.N. Filosofija upravlenija personalom organizazsii [Philosophy of personnel management of the organization.] // V sbornike: Trud i soszialno-trudovye otnoshenija: sovremennaja teorija, metodologija i praktika sbornik nauchnyh trudov po materialam I mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [In the collection: Labor and Social and Labor Relations: Modern Theory, Methodology and Practice, a collection of scientific papers on the basis of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference], 2016. P. 25-34 [in Russian].


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Ivanova I.G., Babenko V.I., Lyagus N.A. INNOVATIVE MARKETING STRATEGY ON THE INTERNET // Academy. № 12(27), 2017 - С.{см. журнал}.

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